Monday, October 19, 2009

Upcycling plastic, a good way to keep your threads in place and GO GREEN!

I just found a good way to keep your threads in place if you have some remanents from your project, this is a good idea, easy to do and excellent to keep the threads from tangling, keep the plastic closures that comes with the bread and potatoes bag!, I just did and I can tell you it works!, what a nice idea!, it helps the plastic for going into the landfields! wonderful way to reuse!. Share the idea and help the planet! GO GREEN!
Encontre una manera de guardar mis hilos sobrantes sin que se me enreden!, es una buena idea y facil de hacer, solo guarda los plasticos que se usan para cerrar las bolsas del pan y de papas!, lo acabo de hacer y funciona!, una genial idea!, ayuda a que el plastico no vaya a la basura, una manera maravillosa de reusar! Comparte la idea y ayuda al planeta!, GO GREEN!

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